
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A few days after Belta Day

A few days after Belta Day

Last Saturday (22nd March) I attended and presented at the Belta Day in Brussels, Belgium. The day started with a warm welcoming from the Belta president James Taylor and  was followed by an inspiring talk by Jeremy Harmer. After that, there were some very interesting breakout sessions. The second plenary by Luke Meddings  gave me a lot to think about regarding the material I use in the classroom and Dogme. Then came another round of talks. These breakout sessions were followed by some swap shop sessions where teachers exchanged views about what they heard during the conference. The day concluded with a small goodbye reception and then we all went home.

                                                      A closer look

The plenaries:

The plenaries were thought-provoking and very interesting. They made me reconsider some of the things I do in class but also validated some of my practices.

The breakout sessions:

There was a variety of sessions so you could choose and attend the ones that you were more interested in.

The people:

Wonderful! Everyone was very helpful and friendly. I can say that I met some really nice people which I hope to see again some day in the future.

My presentation:

I apologise for sounding like Kermit the frog, but I was recovering from the flu. The people who came to my talk were very encouraging and highly interactive. I hope those who attended felt it was a good talk. I would like to thank some of the teachers who actually emailed me or sent me a message on Facebook regarding my talk. They put a smile on my face : )

The swap shop sessions:

They were great! At last an opportunity to talk about everything you heard at the conference! I loved them! They also informed me about sessions I did not attend.

The raffle:

What can I say? I won Jeremy Harmer's book and he signed it too : ) Yay!!

Thanks to everyone at Belta for making it a wonderful experience!

Till next time....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for your second presentation in a two-week span! Or was it one?
    Now you've started... the sky is the limit!
