
Monday, March 17, 2014

The newbie tells all

The newbie tells all- The 35th TESOL Greece annual convention

I only have one word: FANTASTIC! Attending the convention and being a presenter at the 35th TESOL Greece annual convention was a very rewarding experience.
The people
Everyone there; the board members, the organizing committee, the other presenters, the volunteers and of course the people attending were so friendly and helpful. I met some remarkable people from all around the world and this is something I will always treasure! I made new friends who I will definitely see in the future : )
The presentations
I attended lots of presentations. Some were a pleasant reminder of things I must do in class, others gave me ideas on how to introduce new techniques in my classes. Some had a very hands on approach and were highly interactive, others were more academic oriented. All the talks I attended though, were given by enthusiastic teachers!
My presentation
I would like to thank the people who attended and listened to what I had to say. My audience was very encouraging and applauded me at the beginning so as to encourage me (this was my first presentation ever, remember?). In the beginning, I was nervous and trembling but as time went by I felt more comfortable whilst finally, I was in what I call "in the zone". I tried to make my presentation as interactive as possible. I hope the audience felt it was quite a good talk. I tried my best. I also made some new friends with whom I am really looking forward to exchanging views and ideas on how to teach Business English online.
The social events
They had everything:
great company+
view of the Parthenon+
What else can a gal ask for?
Note to reader: the + symbol means checked! I have no idea where the tick symbol is on blogger : P
My final thoughts
I highly recommend attending the TESOL Greece conference. It is educational, informative and fun. I also suggest you submit a proposal and present. You learn a lot as a teacher while preparing for the conference. You also learn on the day of your presentation from what you hear from the people attending your talks.
Where do I go from here?
Well, I am going to be presenting at two more amazing conventions.
 Belta Day-22/3 in Brussels (this weekend people!!!
 : D ). 6-7/6 in Bratislava ( see you in a bit!)
I have a few ideas on what else I need to include in my presentation and how I can make it more interesting for those who will come to hear me talk.
Goodbye Athens... I will definitely see you next year : D
Brussels... here I come! See you all at the Belta Day! I am really looking forward to another great weekend!
This is my badge and the Tesol Greece convention booklet. I have no pictures of my presentation cause... um ... I was so anxious... I forgot to take some : p
Until next time


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